An R package test for the GEO 714 course.
House Sales in King County, USA
A data frame with 21,575 rows and 20 variables:
- price
Sales price
- bedrooms
Number of bedrooms
- bathrooms
Number of bathrooms
- sqft_living
Living room area in square meters
- sqft_lot
Area in square meters of the plot
- floors
Number of floors
- waterfront
If the house is located on the waterfront
- view
Quality of the view from the house
- condition
Conservation condition
- grade
House rating
- sqft_above
Area in square meters of the upper part of the house
- sqft_basement
Area in square meters of the basement
- yr_built
Year of construction
- yr_renovated
Year of the last renovation
- zipcode
Zip code of the house
- lat
House latitude
- long
House longitude
- sqft_living15
Not detailed by the authors
- sqft_lot15
Not detailed by the authors
- predicted_values
Predicted value by the regression model
A dataset with house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015.
houses_prices <- kc_house_data_processed$price